*FIXED* QuickBooks Integration Error - EDGE-CR-ERR-8090 - Auth ID does not exist

Integration with QuickBooks is easy if you know the OAuth flow. QuickBooks uses the OAuth 1.0 specification. They provide libraries for PHP, Java and other popular languages. For ColdFusion/Railo, you can use the OAuth implementation from http://oauth.riaforge.org/

Usually the error messages from QB are self-explanatory and are mostly related with Signature or the Access token/secret. This one particular error left us a bit embarrassed as there were no help available. But we quickly found it was a data issue. 
The error while trying to retrieve data from QB is as follows:

{"warnings":null,"intuitObject":null,"fault":{"error":[{"message":"Unauthorized","detail":"Auth ID does not exist -\nauthid: 1234567890 \nException from other package:\n com.intuit.platform.services.qbn.domain.auth.AuthMgrException","code":"EDGE-CR-ERR-8090","element":null}],"type":"SystemFault"},"report":null,"queryResponse":null,"batchItemResponse":[],"attachableResponse":[],"syncErrorResponse":null,"requestId":null,"time":null,"status":null,"cdcresponse":[],"olbtransaction":null,"olbstatus":null}

This error occurs when you pass the wrong Realm ID. The Realm ID (referred as: Company ID) is sent from QB on the previous step of getting request token. This has to be saved in such a way that it can be used on all future requests.

If you pass the wrong Realm ID this is the error you will receive.

Source: https://www.obidostech.com/knowledgebase/quickbooks-integration-error-edge-cr-err-8090-auth-id-does-not-exist/


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