*SOLVED* Adobe ColdFusion Scheduled Task and PDF fail/error/not running - June 2016

The Adobe ColdFusion servers on Windows Servers and having SSL could develop and issue with Scheduled Tasks not able to run after June 2016. We have experienced this issue with one of our servers. The only information we receive when saving the output of a scheduled task to a file is "Connection Failure".
Along with that while PDF is generated, it is missing the styles and image.

After checking multiple possibilities we found the issue. It is due to the Windows Update that was installed on late June 2016.
Due to this update, the Java keystore and SSL were not in good terms. The existing version of JVM was 1.6. We updated it to 1.7 and now the Scheduled Tasks are working and also the PDF can now include CSS and images as earlier.

This is happening only to servers under SSL. Please use the comment box for any help or suggestions.


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